Hey! I’m Whitney, full-time copywriter and part-time mind-reader (or so my clients seem to think).

“How did you know exactly what I was trying to say?” is something I hear a lot. I make absolutely zero claims of clairvoyance, but the process of working with me can feel a little like magic.

My insatiable curiosity means I’ll plumb the depths of the internet to get inside your dream client’s head, and my eagle-eyed perfectionism means every word of your copy will sing.

“How did you know exactly what I was trying to say?” is something I hear a lot. I make absolutely zero claims of clairvoyance, but the process of working with me can feel a little like magic.

My insatiable curiosity means I’ll plumb the depths of the internet to get inside your dream client’s head, and my eagle-eyed perfectionism means every word of your copy will sing.

Hey! I’m Whitney, full-time copywriter and part-time mind-reader (or so my clients seem to think).

Peep My Portfolio

Finally, Someone Who Really Gets You

It’s Not Just You: Writing About Your Own Business Is Hard.


You’re amazing at what you do, and you’ve got the scores of delighted clients to prove it. But when it comes to translating your secret sauce into words that actually sound good (and turn looky-loos into paying customers), your writing prowess isn’t quite up to the task.

You know what you want to say, but once it’s on the page, it seems to fall flat… or worse, you have no idea where the hell to even start, so “WRITE COPY” just keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the ol’ to-do list. The struggle is real, and the truth is you’ve got better things to do — like serving your clients, working on your next money-making offer or product, sipping an umbrella drink on the beach, or doing literally anything else besides cursing at a blank page and wishing the right words would magically appear.

How We Can Work Together


⁠⁠Ready to make copywriting magic together?

You wouldn’t hire an amateur to do your taxes, and your copy deserves the same level of attention. ⁠Okay, so the IRS won’t exactly come knocking down your door if your website copy falls short — but if you want your business to thrive, you’ve got to put your best foot forward online.

Your website has to convince your dream client they should work with you over your zillions of competitors, and that’s an uphill battle when your copy sounds like everyone else’s. By coming to the table with a unique brand voice and a powerful, one-of-a-kind story, you’ll stand alone in their mind.⁠

And when you tell your dream clients a powerful narrative that resonates with them on a soul level, you’ll never have to rely on sleazy or aggressive sales tactics. Instead, your audience will be lining up to fork over their hard-earned cash, confident that you’re the one.

Your website has to convince your dream client they should work with you over your zillions of competitors, and that’s an uphill battle when your copy sounds like everyone else’s.  

By coming to the table with a unique brand voice and a powerful story that resonates with your dream clients on a soul level, you’ll stand alone in their mindand they'll be lining up to fork over their hard-earned cash, confident that you’re the one.

Get In Touch

Why Hire a Copywriter, Anyway?

Meet the Woman Behind the Words

Let's Chat

This is the part where I’m supposed to dazzle you with my resume and convince you I’m fully qualified to be your copywriter. But if you’ve read this far, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re already a believer (if not, see my portfolio for all the proof you need!).

So instead I’ll give you the lowdown on me, lightning round-style:

•  in my past life, i was a pastry chef at a five-star restaurant (I burned stuff a lot).

•  I consumed more CLASSIC literature before age 10 than most people DO their entire liFE.

•  I’m the proud mother of a FLOPPY, DROOLY 10-year-old Basset hound NAMED DJANGO.

•  I'M ALWAYS TRAVELING, so there’s a GOOD CHANCE I’ll write your copy in an airport lounge.

•  I have VARIOUS wild tattoos that are the bane of my 87-year-old grandmother’s existence.

Got a burning question about copywriting, my favorite color, or what I’m currently binging on Netflix?